Conscious Business Leadership Academy

Elevating leaders. Transforming organizations. Healing society.

A Transformational Learning Journey

A transformational learning journey for CEOs, designed and led by Raj Sisodia, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and Neha Sangwan, MD, in partnership with BDO USA, LLP.

Building a powerful, successful and enduring business starts with a compelling purpose and vision.

Nothing is more dangerous to a business, to our shared future, and to the planet than “business as usual”. Globally, organizations must evolve toward a broader definition of success that encompasses people, purpose and performance in harmony. The Conscious Business Leadership Academy is an opportunity for CXOs to deepen their vision, connect with their purpose, and become more conscious. It’s a time to reflect on their leadership team, corporate culture, and business practices.

Over the course of five months, you will learn how to maximize your personal potential while optimizing value and benefits for your stakeholders. In discovering and defining your personal higher purpose, you will be able to more fully align the purpose and profitability of your business, with a deep commitment to building a sustainable and brighter future for all.

Helping all stakeholders thrive. Everybody matters. Everybody wins.

“Conscious Business Leadership Academy is an extraordinary give back to the business world.”

JAYNE MILLARD, CEO, Turtle & Hughes and CBLA Graduate

“Punches above the belt with their speakers - the caliber is off the charts, and I’ve taken away a lot from each one of them. It makes the program super special.”


" '

Passion, commitment, engagement, innovation, and well-being.

" 'Customers
Satisfaction, delight, enhanced quality of life and advocacy.

" "


Collaborative, innovative, responsible, and relationship-minded.

" "Investors
Sustainable value, positive impact, meaningful legacy.

" 'Environment
Protected, replenished and healthy. 

" 'Community/Society
Shared interests, widespread flourishing, greater harmony. 

Transitioning from Extracting and Leveraging to Value-Creation and Service

The goal of this program is to inspire you to transform your own leadership and your company. It will elevate your perspective so that you can achieve deeper integration between your personal values, life purpose and your journey as a leader. The program will connect you with a community of your peers who are also on a path of continuous learning and growth, seeking to align their companies more closely with the conscious business philosophy.  

Download the CEO Track Brochure

"As leaders, we have a responsibility to ensure that we are creating environments that foster growth while at the same time being empathic, inclusive and mindful about our path to success. Each decision we make is incredibly consequential to our people as well as our clients, communities and networks. Acting mindfully requires a dramatic shift in thinking to grasp the full reach and impact of our actions. It’s a journey best taken with peers who can offer support and encouragement as we navigate an ever-evolving landscape of questions, opportunities and challenges. We hope you’ll join us."


Specific program tools and competencies you will acquire:

  • Leadership Circle Profile (LCP 360): a powerful tool to assess your strengths and opportunities for growth
  • A process for uncovering your company’s higher purpose and creating a plan to bring it to life in your organization
  • Methodologies to identify your stakeholders, understand their deepest needs and create more value for them both individually and collectively
  • Innovative ways to assess and heal your culture
  • Make clear agreements and draw healthy boundaries 
  • How to bridge during conflict
  • How to effectively manage challenging personalities and influence more effectively

The Program Track

The BDO Perspective on Conscious Capitalism

Capitalism is at a crossroads. We are living in an era of unprecedented change and disruption. The impact of technology on society and business. The acceleration and consequences of climate change. The persistent and urgent reckoning around social injustice. The rise of globalization and the vulnerabilities this interconnectedness brings. The meteoric rise of wealth but also wealth inequality. These historic challenges require a historic response by both the public and private sectors.  

While doing well by doing good has long been a part of the business lexicon, a transformational shift in mindset is needed to address the titanic shifts we are grappling with today. Business leaders play a vital role creating cultures and operational models that are mindful of these challenges and deliver value for all stakeholders. Our path forward must reflect changes in our foundational thinking about the ways our businesses operate and the impact - intentional and unintentional - of our business actions on people, society and the world. 

Critically, this thinking must be personal. Decisions on corporate culture, purpose and values that drive operational decision making reflect and align with the personal purpose and values of an organization’s leaders. Responsibility starts and stops at the top. To become the type of business that drives value and creates opportunity for all, change must start with each leader and their personal commitment to a conscious way of thinking about capitalism.

Program Sponsor


Headshot of Hitesh Shah

About Hitesh Shah, BDO USA Contact

Hitesh Shah has more than 25 years of experience spanning startup through venture financing and eventual M&A exits in multiple high technology companies. He has in-depth experience in people management, finance, venture capital, business development, product management, business planning and customer service. Hitesh has raised over $100M in venture capital for four different startups. Hitesh serves on the Executive Leadership Council of Parents Helping Parents (PHP), an organization whose mission is to empower families to build bright futures for children with special needs. He also serves as a board director of Human Needs Project (HNP), an organization focused on alleviating poverty and on the board of How Women Lead (2020 Women on Boards).

To learn more, please contact Hitesh at [email protected]

Program Leaders

Headshot of Raj Sisodia

About Raj Sisodia, Conscious Capitalism Visionary

Raj Sisodia is Distinguished University Professor of Conscious Enterprise and Chairman of the Conscious Enterprise Center at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico, as well as Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc.

To learn more, visit

Headshot of Neha Sangwan

About Neha Sangwan, M.D., Program Coach and Speaker

Neha is CEO of Intuitive Intelligence and is an Internal Medicine physician, international speaker and corporate communication expert who empowers executives by teaching them practical tools to strengthen their relationships, decrease their stress, improve their health and become more effective and conscious leaders.

To learn more, visit