ESG Strategy & Program Development

With you at every stage of your ESG journey

ESG is not a check-the-box exercise, and the journey is not linear. 

Each company’s path toward sustainability is unique. Navigating the intersection of material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors with stakeholder priorities requires a disciplined approach.

Developing an ESG strategy and program can help companies better adapt to stakeholder demands, address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting requirements, mitigate reputational risk and increase resiliency. The proposed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate Disclosure Rule has also made ESG a priority for public companies, and many private companies within their value chains. 

How BDO Can Help

ESG Journey Design

Design a company's ESG journey, ESG strategy and sustainability programs 

Sustainability Reporting

Advance ESG reporting and disclosure readiness, including for climate-related risks 

ESG Ratings Improvement

Support improvement of ESG ratings and sustainability storytelling 

GHG Impact Calculation

Assess and devise science-based targets and net-zero strategies 

ESG Practices

Establish ESG and sustainability practices aligned with internationally recognized standards and frameworks (including GHG Protocol, SASB, UNPRI, UNSDGs, GRI, CDP, TCFD) 

SOX Readiness

Map processes and develop controls for public and private companies for Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance 

Stay current with our latest ESG insights.

Your ESG Journey

Our dedicated ESG professionals will meet you where you are to help guide you along your journey:

Phase 1

Conduct industry benchmark and gap analysis 

Phase 2

Understand your vision and your stakeholders 

Phase 3

Develop your strategy and plan

Phase 4

Develop process and metrics

Phase 5

Design ESG reporting

Meet our ESG Strategy & Program Development Leader